LEAVES Website for Jan-Feb 2024 Issue
Excerpted from “Leaflets” column:
Dear friends of LEAVES,
As I begin this new Leaflet, I find it hard to believe we are starting a New Year! Is it the same for you? When I was a kid, a year seemed so long. There were times when I thought that it would never end. Could there be anything longer than a year?
As the years began to pile up on me, my perception of time definitely changed. Now, I hardly see it go by. Of course, as we are heading into another year, I usually start by asking myself: What happened during the past year? Making at least a short summary of all that we experienced during that time, could be very worthwhile and a great opportunity to prepare ourselves for a new beginning.
Why not start with our health? It might be helpful to see if it is better than the year before. Can we still improve it? If it is better, we then might be able to improve our relationships with others and with God. We might be less preoccupied with our ego and more open to those around us.
By making better use of our abilities and gifts we might have stimulated others to commit themselves more fully to the calling they have received from the Lord, and contribute positively in the building of a better world. Do we support and encourage others in their undertakings by looking at all the positive they can awaken in their respective communities?
We might also look at what other things we have been able to achieve this past year. Have we been able to change something for the better within ourselves? Are we less demanding? Are we more open to what is happening around us? Are we more attentive to the needs of others by supporting them, encouraging them to commit themselves more fully to the community they belong to?
What about our relationship with God? Are we more aware of His presence? Do we trust Him more? Do we really take time to pray? Do we spend time reading the Bible or meditating on the readings, reflecting on what the Lord is telling us at each of these readings? Do we pay Him a visit in church or chapel during the day or during the week? Besides attending Mass on Sunday, do we attend Mass during the week? Do we often receive the Lord in Holy Communion?
As I write this column, I can’t help but think of Bl. Carlo Acutis who was beatified this last year. After every communion, he would say: “Jesus, make yourself at home! Live within me as if I were your own dwelling!”
Do I take time to go to confession and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly? There are so many other ways I can get in touch with God.
As we enter the New Year, we might write down in our journal or notebook some of the things we could accomplish this coming year, to make of our relationship with God something more concrete; something that would show our commitment to Jesus.
All these questions I’m putting before you are not the only ones we could ask ourselves, but they could lead to other questions that might be more to the point right now in your spiritual life.
Then as we begin the New Year, we should make sure we let the Lord know how thankful we are to Him for all these graces He bestowed on each and every one of us throughout the year 2023. There undoubtedly were times of joy. There were also times of sorrow, times of failures, times that have brought us to make a little more effort in our spiritual life.
The Lord might have inspired us to build more peace around us. There were certainly times that were not too easy for us to trust in the Lord, because of our limitations, of our state of mind. But that is actually what trust is all about. It doesn’t come easily. However, it does come if we love the Lord; if we take time to see how close and caring He is to each one of us, where we are right now at this very moment.
As we prepare ourselves to step into a New Year, let us ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten us in making a new beginning with a life more meaningful and dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Together with all our Mariannhill Missionaries we wish you a Most Happy and Holy New Year. We also want to extend to you our heartfelt gratitude for all your prayers and support. You are God’s gift to us. Thank you also for being part of our LEAVES family. We keep you all in our prayers. Together we are God’s people. Together we are called to build this New Year 2024 with all the diversity we have received and all the challenges we have been able to confront with Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer.
Let us turn to Our Blessed Mother who is always here in the background, ready to lead the way to her Son. As we say at the Christmas Mass: “May the power of His divinity help us answer His call to forgiveness and life. Amen – Fr. Michael Sheehy, C.M.M.
Excerpted from “Our Family Album”:
Jesus, My Lord
God and Friend
After the pandemic I really began to notice the blessings Jesus gave to me. My past years silently whispered to me as I counted all those blessings.
My whole life I received answered prayers, sometimes waiting for years for answers. I remember prayers being in Jesus’ hands; sometimes not always answered the way you expected, but always answered in a way that Jesus knows best.
During the immediate lockdown, every day felt like Ground Hog Day. Each day it was sleep and wake, intertwined with each other, a private purgatory I felt on some days. Prayer was starting to get less.
One day I cried out, “Jesus! Blessed Mother Mary! Help us! Help me!” Those prayers were answered. I began to feel more of His great love for me, my family and my enemies (in case I have any).
I was so blinded before. Even though I did not know, by the world and its things and titles, I realized that Jesus doesn’t care about titles or achievements. Jesus cares what is in your heart and whether you are loving Him and other people.
Thank you, Jesus, Blessed Mary, my guardian angel, Ss. Joseph, Therese, Francis, Jude, Michael and all the saints. I won’t cease praying for this world, ever. Prayer gets rid if my anxiety, especially when I am praying the rosary.
There is no pill or medicine that could match the relief I have once I am done praying the rosary, doing novenas and reading for the world. My soul lifts up automatically with great joy – R.A. Johnson.
Prayers Answered and
Prayers Still Needed
This donation is in thanksgiving for prayers answered. I wrote a couple of months ago asking for prayers for a good outcome for my husband’s medical tests. I also asked for the prayers of Our Lady, Ss. Joseph, Therese the Little Flower, and many other saints and angels.
The test results showed the spots on his liver and lung were not cancer, nor anything too serious. The doctors will continue to monitor the spot on the lung which is due to an old fungus infection.
My husband fought cancer, a soft tissue carcinoma, from 2009-2016. He was declared cancer free in 2021, but new spots appeared on his 2022 yearly follow-up scan. Thanks to God, and the prayers of all of you LEAVES family members, the spots are not cancer.
My husband is a kind and generous man. We raised six children, one of whom is intellectually disabled and lives with us. One of our daughters is getting married out of state and we ask prayers for making the long trip.
Neither my husband nor I are well and energetic. (He lost his arm and shoulder blade to the cancer.) Our daughter is marrying a good Catholic man. We pray that all our children return to the sacraments and that the two who have deep spiritual problems will receive a spiritual healing.
Thank you, LEAVES family. I pray every day for all of you in the LEAVES family – Nancy S.
Major Problem Averted
I hope all in the LEAVES family are well and safe. My husband is going for blood work and scans and then will see his oncologist. Hopefully he will still be cancer free. He had an aggressive lymphoma.
My donation is in thanksgiving to St. Therese the Little Flower.
I prayed to St. Therese to please guide me to an honest sprinkler company. I thought I had a major problem. A friend gave me the name of a company she uses. I promised St. Therese a 10 percent donation to LEAVES of the cost to fix it.
The people from the company I contacted were honest and walked around the house with me. Everything was getting too much water. They adjusted the time on the watering timer and gave a schedule on when to increase the water.
Things are looking good and my rose bushes are coming back. If it weren’t for LEAVES, I never would have known about St. Therese and all the other saints. I have been a subscriber since 1979. God bless you all. Love – Mary.
Excerpted from Blessed Engelmar Testimonies:
A Life of
Blessed Engelmar
There is now available a booklet of the life of Blessed Engelmar Unzeitig, C.M.M. You may receive a free copy of it by sending a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.
I am incredibly grateful for having good test results from numerous biopsies that were taken during surgery. Even my excellent doctors could not believe that my aggressive cancer had not spread. With an overflowing heart, I offer my thanksgiving to Our Lord, Our Blessed Mother, Bl. Engelmar and all the angels and saints – Name Withheld.
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I am confident that Fr. Engelmar is going to answer my prayer request. My donation is to thank him and to keep LEAVES magazine going – P.R.
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Thanks to God, Jesus, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bl. Engelmar, Ss. Therese, Jude, Ann, Joseph, Francis, Philomena, Anthony, Rita, Teresa, Martha, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, our guardian angels and souls in purgatory who through our prayers helped take care of us through God. Love and prayers – Carol W.
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Thanks to St. Jude and Bl. Engelmar for help with my prayer requests. Our heavenly Father listens to my prayers through each of them and the other saints. Please pray for my children and their spouses, for my grandsons, and for my health and finances. Thanks – Pat R.
Novena in Honor of
Abbot Francis Pfanner
Abbot Francis Pfanner founded Mariannhill Monastery, and 100 years ago its monks became the Congregation of Missionaries of Mariannhill. He was not only a great missionary, but also a holy man. The cause for his beatification has begun. We have available a novena in his honor and will send you a free copy of it when you send a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.
St. Jude Novena
St. Jude, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus: The name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of difficult and desperate cases. Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege accorded to you to bring visible and speedy help where help was almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (mention your request here), and that I may bless God with you and all the Elect throughout all eternity.
I promise you, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and do all in my power to encourage devotion to you.
St. Jude, pray for us and for all who honor and invoke thy aid.
Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be three times.
(St. Jude is the patron of impossible and lost causes.)
Prayer for the
Almighty Father, we give You thanks for the gift of Your Son, who saved us through the wood of the cross. We give You thanks for all the favors we received through Jesus Christ our Lord, the intercession of His Blessed Mother and all the saints.
We commend our family to Your fatherly protection. Heal the wounds of those who suffer, comfort the sick and those who are alone, and keep all of us in Your love and peace.
Lord Jesus, through Your cross help us carry ours.
Holy Mary, mother of grace and mercy, intercede for us.
St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family, watch over us.
St. Therese, St. Jude and all the saints, pray for us.
If I Were to Do It
All Over Again
An old lady had been asked:
… If it were possible for you to do it all over again …
If there were a second life…
What would you do differently?
And she answered:
I would make more mistakes.
I would take things less seriously and be more mischievous.
I would read more and would do less dusting.
I would admire the landscape without worrying about the weeds growing in the garden.
The least event would be an excuse to use my most beautiful porcelain and my nicest dresses.
I would climb more mountains and travel more lightly.
I would eat more ice cream and fewer vegetables.
I would be going to all the balls, all the celebrations, and I would pick up more daisies.
Because in life
If yesterday is called the past… and tomorrow, the future,
Today is a gift. For that reason we call it the present.
And in that present time, there are so many joys to find and tenderness to cherish…
Richly Blessed
I asked God for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for, but everything that I hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.
Passing Over
By Francis A. Piekarski
Do you know, dear friend,
What it’s like to pass over,
To leave your body behind?
It will happen in the twinkling of an eye.
Then your soul will be free,
A lot lighter, you see.
There you can travel
As far as a thought may be.
No more body aches or pain.
Some float, seeing their body below;
Some quickly go to the light.
A few get hung up
And are caught in between.
So do not fear, my friend,
When the time draws near.
Just be good as good can be.
There you will see your family
And all the angels and everything.
There the Son will be
Waiting for thee.
By Margaret Peterson
It lies within the heart of each,
Our destiny, no less.
To search and never find the prize
Creates unhappiness.
Great is the joy when someone finds
The reason for his being,
The reason he was created by
A God all-knowing, all-seeing.
Wrong turns can be corrected by
Our God who makes ways straight.
His plan encompasses everyone.
It never is too late!
The People of God
By Bea Waltz
I took to the trail
In search of the Grail
When I came upon a human travail,
Victims locked in an invisible jail.
I heard their cries,
I saw their eyes.
They are the People of God.
They reached out to me
With uncertainty,
Drenched in the stench of their poverty.
Is this what the world calls obscenity?
I heard their cries,
I saw their eyes.
They are the People of God.
In the quest for the Grail
I could not fail,
The Spirit brought me to the end of my trail.
I found the Lord in the midst of their wail.
I soothed their cries
And brightened their eyes.
The Grail is the People of God.
The Penitent
By Doris T. Cameron
Here I am – a sinner
With bowed head
In humble adoration
Seeking forgiveness.
Here I am – a sinner
Your servant Lord
Like followers of old
Trusting your mercy.
Here I am – a sinner
Asking that peace
May fill my heart
And quell my soul.
Here I am – a sinner
Knowing you are near.
Hear my supplication.
I believe – I thank you.