LEAVES Website for January-February 2025 Issue
Excerpted from “Leaflets” column:
Dear Readers,
Here I come again as the New Year of 2025 starts to bloom. When a New Year comes up, I always ask myself: “What will it be like?’’ “What does it have in stock for each of us?’’ Something new, or a lot of the same old stuff as we had in 2024.
Of course, we must remember that God still loves us. He has proven it to us already last year. Did you notice?
Maybe this New Year should be more positive. What good things has the Lord showered upon us in the past? Once we found these gifts from God, did we take time to show Him our appreciation?
Didn’t we have some sacred moments that helped us to encourage others who needed just this little push to get closer to the Lord? Wouldn’t that just be a way of spreading the Good News of Christ?
At the beginning of a New Year we often hear people talk to us about resolutions. That is really appropriate, but once the first weeks have gone by, we sort of forget about them. Why? Did we make too many of them?
This year, why not make just ONE resolution? It’s easier to work on ONE than on MANY at the same time? Keep the others for the next year, and so on. Yes, just stick to the first resolution that comes to mind. Once that one is mastered, you can try something else for the next year.
I would like to wish all of you dear LEAVES readers a Most Happy and Joyful New Year, with all the Lord’s blessings on you and your families. I wish you good health. I wish you all a greater and more meaningful and trusting relationship with the Lord that may help others to do the same.
I would also propose to you something I have been thinking of doing on each day of January and February during this coming year. I am seriously thinking of saying every day an extra little prayer for all of you who have a birthday on each specific day of these two months. After all, you are part of our family. And don’t we all pray for our family members?
Finally, let us not forget to pray for peace which is badly needed in so many parts of our world today. Let us remember the Words of Jesus on the mountain: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Mt5:9).
Pope Francis constantly asks us to pray for this peace. So many people are suffering at this time because of conflict and violence in so countries. Let us all do our utmost to make that peace a reality this year, starting with our own surroundings, families and communities. God bless you all - Fr. Michael Sheehy, C.M.M.
Excerpted from “Our Family Album”:
Fr. Solanus Intercedes
I wish to thank all of you at LEAVES for introducing me to many saints, as well as being able to share some of the joys and sorrows of readers. I am especially thankful for learning about Fr. Solanus Casey many years ago. At that time I was desperately and urgently in need of prayer for my dear mother.
My mother’s doctor called her in to repeat an x-ray on Thanksgiving Day. It was a terminal issue with her liver. He had been Mom’s physician for years and he was quite concerned. I remembered reading about Fr. Solanus and so I called the monastery and asked for prayer.
I prayed all night. The next morning, we arrived at the hospital and Mom had her x-ray. An hour later, the doctor came out and we went to a small conference room. He said, “Your liver is normal. I have consulted with other specialists and we have rechecked all the bloodwork from six months ago and the x-rays. I don’t understand it.”
We told the doctor about Fr. Solanus and he just smiled indulgently, but we knew! I ordered a book about him and a badge with a piece of Father’s habit.
Over the years I have called upon Fr. Solanus so many times to aid me with various things, but especially with a kidney problem which flares up sometimes. I have no medical proof, but I know Fr. Solanus has always interceded for me and I have relied on prayer because I don’t have insurance. I will be eligible for Medicare soon, but I will always call upon Fr. Solanus for special help.
God bless you all, and may Fr. Solanus become a saint. I am praying for that. I also pray for all the LEAVES readers – B.N.E.
Late Birthday Card
I personal birthday card for a granddaughter. I put it at the mailbox to be picked up. I mailed it to my daughter’s home in San Jose. I mailed it in time, I thought, for her birthday.
My granddaughter’s birthday came – no birthday card had been received. This card contained, in addition, a huge money check, and favorite crossword puzzles.
I was concerned now, so it was time to ask for St. Anthony’s intercession. Several days into intercessory prayer, I asked Jesus and the Holy Spirit to find the birthday card too. St. Anthony and the Holy Spirit had the letter delivered to my daughter’s home two days later.
This promised donation is being sent to LEAVES. Today a medical kit was found in my home. I had misplaced it when I was straightening my kitchen. I was standing where it was found in a plastic container, along with some bags. The Holy Spirit said, “Look inside there.” Sure enough, it was there, with the kitchen towels – F.S.B.
A Life of Many Blessings
I have been enjoying LEAVES since I was 23 years old. I am now 85.
This letter is mainly to tell you about a missionary priest, Fr. Ted Hockstalter, I met over 25 years ago at my church, St. Matthew’s in San Antonio, TX. His parish was in Illinois, but he had been in Africa and cared for 80 young boys. One of Mother Teresa’s nuns lived nearby, caring for 20 girls. I donated money for Father’s cause and we became friends through the years.
My great-granddaughter was age three and had leukemia. She had 27 chemo spinals. They prayed Mass at 5:30 a.m. each day for her. She is now eight, in third grade, and doing well.
Sadly, an African official took all of the young men and women, and Father and the nuns were made to leave. Fr. Ted returned to his home; said Mass at his home parish and died on the altar.
Please, LEAVES family, pray for Fr. Ted, and maybe me. When I was age 20, I stood at the bed of Theresa Neumann of Konnersreuth, Germany. She was beatified in Rome in 2024. My four children went to Rome for the beatification.
Please pray for me and my family. I have lived a life of many years, with many blessings, and I am truly grateful. God bless Mariannhill for your work. LEAVES has been a blessing in my life, especially while living in Germany for 20 years away from my loved ones – Sylvia S.
Excerpted from Blessed Engelmar Testimonies:
A Life of
Blessed Engelmar
There is available a booklet of the life of Blessed Engelmar Unzeitig, C.M.M. You may receive a free copy of it by sending a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.
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My enclosed donation is in thanksgiving for answered prayers. I prayed to sweet Jesus, Our Blessed Mother, Ss. Joseph, Padre Pio, Anthony, Jude and Therese, and Bl. Engelmar Unzeitig. All tests for suspicious ovarian and endometrial cancer proved benign. Thanks be to our Almighty Father in heaven! – Christin U.
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Thanks to God, Jesus, Mary, Ss. Joseph, Michael, Raphael, Martha, Francis, Ann and Teresa, Bl. Engelmar, our guardian angels, all the LEAVES people who pray to them, all the priests and missionaries of LEAVES and nuns. Please pray for Fr. Todd and John W. Thanks to St. Anthony. Please pray for all the souls in purgatory. Please pray for America and bless us and pray for Israel. Thanks to Ss. Jude and Philomena, Fr. Solanus. Thanks for all prayers answered by God. God bless us all – Name Withheld.
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Thanks to God and Jesus for my blessings, for everything I have, most of all, having God, the Holy Spirit, Mary, Mother of Jesus, Ss. Teresa, Joseph, Martha, Ann, Philomena, Jude, Anthony, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, our guardian angels, all the LEAVES people praying for all of us, and Fr. Engelmar. Please pray for all loved ones in purgatory to be released to heaven. Please pray for Cole, Carol, and Madison, Louie and Rod – Carol W.
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A donation is in thanksgiving to God, Jesus, the Blessed Mother, Ss. Ann, Rita and Lucy and Bl. Engelmar for favors granted. Please pray for my husband Gordon who passed away. Please pray for me for strength and good health, that cancer, cancerous tumors and bad mucus is not in and never enters into my body. Please pray that I can find the strength to lose weight and for my mental and emotional health. Thank you and God bless – Patricia S.
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Our beloved mother died at the age of 96. Thank you for saying a prayer for her. She always enjoyed her LEAVES magazine and was devoted to Fr. Engelmar. Thank you – daughter Anne K.
Novena in Honor of
Abbot Francis Pfanner
Abbot Francis Pfanner founded Mariannhill Monastery, and 100 years ago its monks became the Congregation of Missionaries of Mariannhill. He was not only a great missionary, but also a holy man. The cause for his beatification has begun. We have available a novena in his honor and will send you a free copy of it when you send a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.
Prayer for the
Almighty Father, we give you thanks for the gift of your Son, who saved us through the wood of the cross.
We give you thanks for all the favors we received through Jesus Christ, our Lord, the intercession of His blessed Mother and all the saints. We commend our family to your fatherly protection.
Heal the wounds of those who suffer, comfort the sick and those who are alone, and keep all of us in your love and peace.
Lord Jesus, through your cross, help us carry ours.
Holy Mary, Mother of grace and mercy, intercede for us.
St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family, watch over us.
St. Theresa, St. Jude and all the saints, pray for us. Amen.
A Prayer for the Beatification of Abbot Francis Pfanner
Merciful Father, you constantly raise up in the Church men and women, who by the example of their saintly lives and their commitment to the work of evangelization, provide us with inspiration to go new ways.
You blessed Abbot Francis Pfanner with unshakable trust in you. You gave him the strength to live his vocation as a priest and monk, and the courage to become a missionary in Africa. He was your willing instrument who practiced a missionary approach based on the old motto: “Pray and Work.” Thus he inspired many to join him in rooting the faith in the hearts of the people.
Father, with confidence we pray that your name may be glorified by all who see in Abbot Francis your hand at work, and that he may be recognized by the Church among the Blessed. Amen.
The Jubilee Prayer
By Pope Francis
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Happy New Year
By Margaret Peterson
What makes a year
A Happy New Year,
One worth the living
And sprinkled with cheer?
You’ll never achieve it
If you start out to say,
I’ll do what I want,
And I’ll do it my way!
The right way is God’s way
And not hard to do.
He said, “To love others
As I have loved you.”
Each passing day
You will have much success,
For God’s way leads each one
To true happiness.
A Call to the Heart
By Andrea Remlin
I must go to our Lord in the Host
to be sure that I’m on time for my post,
to ask for graces for the lost
and melt their hearts full of frost.
I mustn’t stay home, for it’s a wild clear call
that makes me scurry without a fall.
To the cry of my Beloved I turn my heart
for from Him I will not part.
There is no other Love so deep
that gives a taste of my eternal sleep.
Mary, our sweetest queen of peace,
may aves guide all until the world cease.
Morning Prayer
© By Linda Donohoo Monday
Jesus, I come to You today;
Be with me as I work and pray,
In all I think and what I say,
That I may do my little part
To ease Your suffering Sacred Heart.
Remind me, too, throughout my day
That in my heart You love to stay.
Living Light
By Luanna Cheney
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined (Is 9:2).
Light of the world,
Be light in me.
Help me reflect from the heart of you
The mercy and love of all you do.
Open my eyes that I might see
The hurting and wounded surrounding me.
Make me a chosen ointment that can help them heal,
A comfort compress they can feel.
Unplug my ears your voice to hear
That I may sense you ever near,
And give me boldness, Lord, I pray,
To serve you obediently each and every day.
Though just a small earthen vessel of your creation,
I’m redeemed to be a living testimony celebration,
For your heart of love, grace and salvation
Are to be shared and given away without reservation.
Glory Be
Glory be to the Father
Glory be to the Son
Glory be to the Holy Spirit
Glory be to the One.
You make me so happy
Just being there.
You make me so happy
Just knowing you care.
My life comes from you
Each day in the morn
And stays with me all day
Ever since I was born.
Stay with me Lord and
Protect me from strife.
Stay with me always for
The rest of my life.
By D.W. Killmeyer