LEAVES Website for March-April 2025 Issue

Excerpted from “Leaflets” column:

Dear friends of Leaves, we have moved!

After ending the retreats we used to give to the kids preparing for Confirmation, we began to look around to see what we should do. As there are just five Mariannhill Missionaries at this location, and one of them sick and at Marycrest Manor, we could not keep on going here at the monastery. The place was too large and the personnel too small to keep anything going here.

Staying at the monastery was getting to be an expensive undertaking. Just think of the heating and the upkeep of the grounds, as well as the cost of repairs on the buildings, etc. We actually did not have much choice but to sell this property and move somewhere else.

After quite a few meetings, it was decided we would move at Marycrest Manor on Middlebelt Rd. where we could get a place to stay and still be able to do a little bit of pastoral work. So, finally we moved to Marycrest Manor.

Of course, we couldn’t bring everything with us. We had to get rid of many things. It was not easy to choose what to bring and what to leave behind or get rid of. I am sure many of you who are reading this understand very well what we were going through. However, moving to Marycrest was not that far from Ann Arbor Trail and we could be close to any confrere who might have to be in the assisted living quarter at Marycrest.

Then we had to think of LEAVES magazine. While we were preparing ourselves for this move, an empty classroom at St. Sabina Parish was offered to us. This is very convenient for us. We don’t have to change our Post Office address, as long as we keep the same postal box number we had. In the classroom, there is enough working space for our computers and our people. We are most grateful to St. Sabina Parish and their pastor, Fr. Pathrose Panuvel for offering us this space. Conveniently, it is not too far from Marycrest. I still feel the Good Lord wants us to keep on working with LEAVES magazine and its dear readers, and so we just said, “Yes.”

So, here we are working in a new place. The Lord, will help us, in this new endeavor. I am confident you will continue to pray for us and we will do the same for you, and our LEAVES Family will serve its readers and the missions.

I thought I would describe a bit what this moving entails, but then I remember that many of you have had this experience before, so why not let you experience of few surprises here and there? The only thing to add is that it is a lot of work and everybody knows that. Of course with that moving, we have to adjust ourselves to new ways of doing things, etc. But as missionaries, we all have experienced some of this.

        I hope you all are having a fruitful Lenten Season. Keep in mind that we are continuing this special Jubilee Year that we are celebrating with Pope Francis and all our brothers and sisters in the Church. It is a Year of Hope. May your Lenten sacrifices move you forward in the hope-filled anticipation of the Resurrection of the Lord at Easter.

We all need this hope for peace in our world. May each and every one do their best to achieve this peace in their families and communities. St. Pope John XXIII said: “True peace is born of doing the will of God and bearing with patience the sufferings of this life.”

May the Lord continue to bless you and your families in a special way this Easter of the Jubilee Year, and help you to build peace in your immediate surroundings, thus contributing to making our world a better place in which to live.

In Jesus & Mary,
Fr. Michael Sheehy, C.M.M.

Excerpted from “Our Family Album”:

The Lord Heeds
My Prayers

My donation is in appreciation for a miraculous favor received. I stormed the gates of heaven, praying to God, our heavenly Father, Lord, Jesus Son of God, Our Lady of Grace, our heavenly Mother, Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague, St. Lucy, patron saint of eye trouble; St. Rita, powerful saint for hopeless and impossible cases and very close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; St. Jude, patron of impossible cases; St. Ann, Mary’s mother; guardian angels and all saints who would listen to my begging and pleading – and always, dear St. Therese.

I was extremely worried about losing my eyesight, especially after the eclipse. My eyes got very irritated and sore. I prayed for good eyesight and relief from the grittiness and pressure.

I had an eye appointment and tests were done and no damage was done. I truly believe that the good Lord heeded my prayers through all these saints and His mother and Son, and blessed me with good results. There is no other way to explain this great news.

I am forever grateful and hope to be able to make more people aware of all these wonderful heavenly saints and family. I can’t explain the feeling of trust I am experiencing. I know my letter of appreciation is long, but I can’t stress the importance of keeping your faith and believing in a higher power. I am truly awakened by this experience.

The night before my tests, I told the good Lord that I trusted Him completely to help me and I felt an instant wave of contentment, an unexplainable feeling of relief. I prayed some more and I hope to always be able to enlighten people to the miracles that can happen if only you believe.

Please use my donation to help the less fortunate. So many people are struggling to put food on their tables and clothes on their backs. God bless and thank you for LEAVES magazine. I have been receiving this little magazine for many decades, at least 35 years. In gratitude – D.M.L.S.

Bl. Miriam Teresa Intercedes

Praised be Jesus Christ! I have been an avid reader of LEAVES magazine since I was six years old. My mom received the magazine, and 60 years later I am still reading it! I am now a religious Franciscan Sister of 32 years and look forward to LEAVES arriving in the mail.

In LEAVES I sometimes see a story on those who are “blessed” by the Church. There is a relatively unknown “Blessed” right here in the state of New Jersey – Bl. Miriam Teresa. I have had great devotion to her since my college days. I graduated from the College of St. Elizabeth, where she did also. I learned about her from the Sisters of Charity and have tried to promote her cause throughout the years.

I have witnessed over and over the power of Bl. Miriam Teresa’s intercession. This includes an unborn baby who was not supposed to live due to serious complications. He is now a thriving five-year-old. Even the doctor believes it was a miracle.

Also, a gentleman who was dying of emphysema and awaiting a double-lung transplant for months after veneration of the relic of Bl. Miriam Teresa received a set of compatible lungs within a few days. He is now doing extremely well.

The Eternal Word Television Network has a documentary on Bl. Miriam Teresa: “They Might Be Saints.” She is now well known and I try to promote her as best that I can. Yours in Our Lady – Sr. Theresa.

Excerpted from Blessed Engelmar Testimonies:

A Life of
Blessed Engelmar

There is available a booklet of the life of Blessed Engelmar Unzeitig, C.M.M. You may receive a free copy of it by sending a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.

Thanks to God, Jesus, Mary, Mother of Jesus, Ss. Joseph, Rita, Martha, Jude, Teresa, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Ann, Philomena and Anthony, our guardian angels, our loved ones in purgatory and Bl. Engelmar. Pray for all the LEAVES priests and the people of LEAVES and ourselves: Carol, Rod, Cole, Madison and Kayla. Pray for a Christian world. God bless us all – Name Withheld.

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I am sending a donation for favors received for my granddaughter Monica and other members of my family from Fr. Engelmar, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Jude. I am thankful of these favors – L.G.

Novena in Honor of
Abbot Francis Pfanner

Abbot Francis Pfanner founded Mariannhill Monastery, and 100 years ago its monks became the Congregation of Missionaries of Mariannhill. He was not only a great missionary, but also a holy man. The cause for his beatification has begun. We have available a novena in his honor and will send you a free copy of it when you send a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.

Prayer to Carlo Acutis

Through the merits of this Angel of Youth, grant me the grace which I earnestly seek (ask the grace which you seek). St. Carlo Acutis, you who made your life a continual renunciation and setting aside of unimportant things, give me the grace to seek heavenly things and despise that which is transient.

Prayer to St. Joseph

O Glorious St. Joseph, chosen by God to be the foster-father of Jesus, the chaste spouse of Mary every Virgin, and head of the Holy Family, be the heavenly patron and defender of the Church founded by Jesus.
With confidence we beg your powerful aid for the Church on earth. Shield it with paternal love, especially the Supreme Pontiff, together with all the bishops and priests who are in union with the Holy See. Be the defender of all who labor for souls.
Protect the working men and women and their families. Intercede for young people who are searching for their place in life. Be the sure refuge for all of us at the hour of death, and guide us safely into heaven.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

(March 19 is a time of feasting that is shared with all, especially the poor, in celebration  of St. Joseph, spouse of Mary our Blessed Mother and foster-father of Jesus.)

My Cross
By Margaret Peterson

When I first became aware of my cross,
It’s when I noticed the weight.
I tried to avoid the pressure I felt,
And blamed a bit on my mate.

But Jesus helped me to bear my cross.
I stopped feeling all alone.
I learned that He knew just how I felt –
Once He had had one of His own.

Pain was a bond that became very strong.
Now we had something to share.
The suffering He endured proved His great love.
Accepting my cross proved I care.

My Prayer
By Bernardine Yandernell

Jesus, oh Jesus, to you I pray.
Please look after me today.
Today is a gift from you to me.
Let good in people be all I see.
We are all human, we all sin.
It seems that at times the evil one will win.
The road to heaven is so small.
It doesn’t take me that much to fall.
Let me show kindness and love my fellow man
And know that we are all part of your great plan.

So take my hand, Jesus, hold on tight.
Teach me what is wrong and right.
It’s heaven where I want eternity
Looking into the face of your majesty!

He Leadeth Me
By Sr. M. Carmella Schneider, SND

He leadeth me
Through dark and dreary ways;
He leadeth me
Through bright and cheery days.

He leadeth me,
This God I’ve come to know;
He leadeth me.
My God, I love you so.

He leadeth me,
This God I cannot see;
He leadeth me.
My God, how can this be?