LEAVES Website for May-June 2024 Issue
Excerpted from “Leaflets” column:
Dear friends of LEAVES,
For anybody living in the northern part of the United States, the month of May is really what we’ve been forward to for quite a few weeks. More birds are tweeting around, and the fields are getting greener and greener. The yellow dandelions and purple violets are coming out.
People are starting to work on their lawns. They are tilling the soil and preparing it to receive various plants that will soon decorate parts of their grounds. Soon tulips and daffodils will bloom and spread their perfume all over.
I would say that May brings a time of joy, of exuberance. The trees start showing off their new leaves and all kinds of flowers appear unexpectedly here and there. Not only are plants sprouting, but many little animals start running around.
It’s a new life. It’s joy at the end of the tunnel. It’s light chasing away the darkness that lingers a little, but soon disappears. Mother Nature comes alive and all are excited. In the midst of all this change of colors and singing of birds; in the midst of this new life, the month of May brings us Mary.
Of course, we had seen Mary for a while during Christmas with her spouse, Joseph, in a stable. She tenderly was cuddling in her arms a little baby boy, surrounded by shepherds who had been invited by an angel who said to them: “I bring you good news of great joy. … To you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. … you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” Then suddenly “a multitude of the heavenly host praising God saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest, …!’ ’’ (Lk 2:10-14). Mary, as the mother of Jesus, takes on a special role for all of us. She brings us “Emmanuel” this Son of God, Jesus, to the People of God who had been waiting for Him for quite a long time.
Now, Mother Nature is welcoming Mary with each one of us. As I say, I can’t help but think of a beautiful French text that was given to me in a parish somewhere while I was preparing the group to celebrate Mission Sunday. If I translate it into English, the title is: “My Most Beautiful Invention’’ and it goes like this:
“My most beautiful invention,’’ says God, “was my Mother. The only thing I was missing was to have a Mom. So I made one. I made my Mother before she made me. Now, I am truly a man, like every other man. I don’t have anything else to envy from them! Now I have a Mom, a real one! I needed that.”
“My mother’s name is Mary,” says God. “Her soul is absolutely pure and full of grace. Her body is virgin and filled with such light that, on earth, I never could grow tired of watching her, of listening to her, and of admiring her. My Mom is so beautiful, that, leaving behind the splendors of heaven, I never felt disoriented when I was close to her. Yet I know,’’ said God, “What it is like to be carried by angels, but it’s nothing compared to being held in the arms of a Mom. Believe me.”
“My Mother is dead,” says God. “Since I went back to heaven, I was missing her and she was missing me, so she came back to me directly, with her body and soul. I could not do otherwise. It had to be that way. It was more convenient. The fingers that had touched God could not remain still. The eyes that had contemplated God could not remain closed. The lips that that kissed God could not remain rigid.”
“This very pure body that had given God a body could not rot when mixed with the earth. It could not, it would not be possible. This would have cost me too much. Of course, I am God, and I am the one who commands. Yet it’s still for my brothers,” says God, “that I did that, in order that they might have a Mom in heaven, a real Mom from their home, with a body and a soul. And she was also my Mom.”
“Now, she is with me, from the very moment she died, her Assumption, as men say. The Mother has found her Son and Her Son, His Mother – body and soul, one next to the other for all eternity. If mankind could only foretell the beauty of this mystery! Finally they did acknowledge it officially. My official representative in the world, the pope, proclaimed it solemnly It is really pleasing,” says God, “to see my gifts being appreciated. Since the time the Christian people had felt this great mystery of my filial and fraternal love….”
“No doubt every human being could see, in some way that I could not refuse her anything. What can you expect? She is my Mom. I wanted it that way and I can’t complain about it this. One in front of the other, body and soul, Mother and Son, eternally Mother and Son. …’’
– Fr. Michael Sheehy, C.M.M.
Excerpted from “Our Family Album”:
Let Us Light Our Candles
Sometimes it might seem to LEAVES readers that evil is winning. We hear stories of wrong-doing that are overwhelming.
It might encourage us to hold up our hands and say, “I give up!” Remember, however, that it has been said, “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” It has also been said, “All for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.”
There are many ways of lighting our candles. At a baptism, give the new child of God a blessed Bible. She or he will read it sometime in the future. Chances are that someone else in the family might read it too. The same goes for someone being confirmed or going away to college. Gift them with a Bible, too.
Get in the habit of giving blessed sacramentals to others. When invited to a bridal shower, give the future bride a blessed crucifix. Distribute the Miraculous Medal to as many as you are able. Perhaps you have been blessed with an excellent Catholic education, and you love your holy Catholic Faith, so in thanksgiving, volunteer to teach a catechism class.
Many stores that sell religious items have been closing. If able, consider opening up one yourself. Write a letter to the editor when your Catholic Faith is maligned. Give a subscription to a Catholic newspaper or magazine to someone.
God is calling you, LEAVES readers, to light your candles. Some of your ways may certainly be better than those I suggest. Remember, victory is already ours. Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead – J.O.
Intercessions of the Saints
My donation is for prayers answered. I had a wound on my foot for a long time that did not heal. I prayed to St. Servatius (the saint for wounds and foot ailments) and St. Peregrine (the saint for healing of cancer and wounds) for healing, and the wound did go away!
I also want to give thanks to Ss. Faustina, Anthony, Joseph, Padre Pio, Ann, Theresa, Raphael, Our Blessed Mother, and of course, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I also prayed the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.
My niece is also in remission from cancer through prayers. Also, I want to thank St. Dymphna for anxiety relief. I can’t thank Our Lord, the Blessed Mother and all the saints enough. Have faith and know that God does hear our prayers. Thank you and God bless – P.A.C.
The Comfort of Prayer
Ever since I was a small child my family has received the LEAVES magazine.
I grew up reading the stories of the saints. There were lots of letters from readers with prayer requests. What a comfort it is to know that other people are praying for you and your concerns. The Lord listens. Our eternal Father loves us more than we can ever imagine. We trust you, Lord.
We thank you, gracious God for hearing our petitions and we trust in your answers to our prayers from this large prayer network. There have been many challenges in my life since my husband died suddenly, after taking his morning walk. I, too, have developed health issues that make my life more difficult to manage.
My spiritual life consists of daily Mass, meditation and prayer. This all makes it possible to carry on, to accomplish most things that I am trying to get done.
I have belonged to St. Anthony of Padua parish for nearly 80 years. My devotion to St. Anthony, St. Therese the Little Flower, St. Rita and many other well-known saints, helps me get through life. Without Our Lord’s merciful intervention I am sure it would not be possible. I am grateful for everything.
Thank you, Mariannhill Missionaries, for all the work you do to save the souls of mankind, for the LEAVES magazine and for this opportunity to contribute – Margaret McG.
Excerpted from Blessed Engelmar Testimonies:
A Life of
Blessed Engelmar
There is now available a booklet of the life of Blessed Engelmar Unzeitig, C.M.M. You may receive a free copy of it by sending a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.
Thanks for all the answers to prayers offered up to God, Jesus, Mary, Mother of Jesus, Ss. Anne, Anthony, Rita, Jude, Teresa, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Francis, Martha, Philomena, the Holy Spirit and Bl. Engelmar, the LEAVES people, the priests and missionaries of LEAVES, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mary, Queen of Hearts, our guardian angels, our loved ones and friends in purgatory. Pray for Carol, Cole, Rod, Louie, Madison and Katelyn. Pray for guidance each day with God and Jesus – Carol.
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Please accept my donation in thanksgiving for St. Anthony’s Bread. He found a very important key for me, and other lost items, as well. Also, please accept another donation to keep LEAVES in print as my thanks for the intercession of Bl. Engelmar, St. Ann and so many of the dear angels, saints, holy souls, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. The LEAVES family members are in my daily prayers. My family needs their prayers, too. I love LEAVES. It helps me so much. Thanks and prayers – Theresa.
Prayer for Bl. Engelmar
Jesus, with the help of your Mother Mary, Bl. Engelmar Unzeitig’s faith grew stronger, his hope more sure and his love more ardent in the concentration camp of Dachau. He became an intercessor for his own country and for the entire world.
Hear our prayers and grant what we ask through Bl. Engelmar’s intercession, so that you may be glorified in your martyrs and saints. We ask this in your name and in the name of all the martyrs of the 20th century.
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Whoever receives favors through the intercession of Bl. Engelmar is asked to report them to the following person:
Postulator General
c/o Mariannhill Mission Society
23715 Ann Arbor Trail
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Novena in Honor of
Abbot Francis Pfanner
Abbot Francis Pfanner founded Mariannhill Monastery, and 100 years ago its monks became the Congregation of Missionaries of Mariannhill. He was not only a great missionary, but also a holy man. The cause for his beatification has begun. We have available a novena in his honor and will send you a free copy of it when you send a stamped (postage for one ounce), self-addressed envelope to us at: LEAVES, P.O. Box 87, Dearborn, MI 48121-0087.
Prayer of
St. John of the Cross
O blessed Jesus, give me stillness of soul in you. Let your mighty calmness reign in me. Rule me, O you, King of Gentleness, King of Peace.
Prayer Inspired by
St. Cyprian of Carthage
We pray to you, Lord, with honest hearts, in tune with one another, entreating you with sighs and tears, as befits our humble position – placed, as we are, between the spiritually weak who have no concern for you and the saints who stand firm and upright before you.
We pray that you may soon come to us, leading us from darkness to light, oppression to freedom, misery to joy, conflict to peace. May you drive away the storms and tempests of our lives, and bring gentle calm.
We pray that you will care for us, as a father cares for his children. Amen.
Mother of Perpetual Help
O Mother of Perpetual Help, with greatest confidence I present myself to you.
I implore your help in the problems of my daily life. Trials and sorrows often depress me; painful privations bring heartache into my life; often I meet the cross.
Have pity on me, compassionate Mother. Take care of my needs; free me from my suffering or, if it be the will of God that I should suffer still longer, grant that I may endure all with love and patience.
Mother of Perpetual Help, I ask this in your love and power. Amen.
The Eucharistic
Prayer of Akita
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, TRULY present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with Your Heart, being sacrificed at every instant on all the altars of the world and giving praise to the Father, pleading for the coming of His kingdom.
Please receive this humble offering of myself. Use me as You will for the glory of the Father and the salvation of souls.
Most holy Mother of God, never let me be separated from your divine Son. Please defend and protect me as your special child. Amen.
The Rose Beyond the Wall
Author Unknown
A rose once grew where all could see,
sheltered beside a garden wall,
and as the days passed swiftly by,
it spread its branches, straight and tall.
One day a beam of light shone through
a crevice that had opened wide.
The rose bent gently toward its warmth,
then passed beyond to the other side.
Now you who deeply feel its loss
be comforted – the rose blooms there –
its beauty even greater now, nurtured by
God’s own loving care.
To God’s Glory
By Rebecca Carpenter
As we travel through life’s pathways,
Through dark clouds of sin and woe,
Endless worries drag us down
To gray valleys far below.
Can you hear Our Lord calling
For the help we need and crave,
Whispering our name to guide us,
While the angels keep us safe?
When we turn our life to Jesus,
We find love is flowing free,
Faith and joy, abundant blessings
That are there for you and me!
Let us turn again to Jesus;
Let Him guide you all the way.
You will find peace and contentment.
This is His promise … eternally!
© By Linda Donohoo Monday
He is Lord of might and glory,
our Jesus is the king of joy.
He is equal to the Father,
yet He is still His mother’s boy.
Who can doubt His love for her,
she who stood before His cross?
When He left the earth in glory,
heaven’s gain became her loss.
Faithfully she stayed behind,
watching Him ascend the sky,
helping to build up His Church
until she joined her Son on high.
Now she prays both for the faithful
and even more for those defiled,
for Mary’s love reflects her Son,
and Jesus, King, is still her Child.
By Charles Goering
Bury me, my Blessed Mother, in your heart and soul.
Teach me to love your Son.
Bury me, my Blessed Mother, in your heart of love.
Teach me to unfold like a blossom in the sun
with fragrance before I die.
Bury me, my Blessed Mother, in your arms of care.
Teach me to follow your Son
when I cannot reason why.
Love me gently, Mary dear, teach me how to cry.
From all the foolishness I have begun
teach me how to fly.
Listen, listen, my sweet Mother, turn your ear to me.
Teach me to be beautiful
so you can be proud of me.
What you have taught me, my little Mother,
will forever stay.
Kiss me softly, my sweet Mother,
until another day.
A Tribute to a
Wonderful Mother
By Loretta Truono
An open field full of promise, and so she planted seeds
Her devotion ushered in many a worthy deed.
Visions of an orchard standing tall, growing strong
Willingly she worked the soil, though many a day was long.
She weathered storms, and protected the saplings, under watchful eye
Till strong enough to stand alone, branches reaching for the sky.
Year after year she shared her fruit; the orchard went on to grow
Until one year she worked no more for her time had come to go.
Her seeds of love deeply rooted, planted in our soul
And in her absence be not sad, her spirit lives to console.
The Pearl of Great Price
By Margaret Peterson
God is the pearl in the oyster of life.
Will we love Him or cast Him aside
And spend our lives searching
For something unknown
To ease the longing inside?