Evangelii Nuntiandi -- Chapter III, The Content of Evangelization
No. 31: Evangelization and the Advancement of Man
No reduction or ambiguity
This number begins with the sentence: “There are close links between evangelization and the advancement, or liberation and development, of man.” It goes on to say that these links are anthropological, theological and evangelical.
They are anthropological in that they deal with men. Evangelization is about men and is directed toward men. With man are all the conditions that go into the cultivation of a civilization of love. All these conditions need to be permeated with the Gospel.
The links are also theological. God’s plan for the world is not separated from the plan of salvation. That plan of salvation is to bring justice upon the earth. It comes from God who “has deposed the mighty from their thrones and raised the lowly to high places” (Lk 1:52). Justice and peace are the signs of the kingdom.
The links are also evangelical in as much as they have to do with love. How can the new commandment be preached if there is not real development of man through justice and peace? Evangelization cannot be done without paying attention to liberation, development and justice. It cannot forget the Gospel lesson of caring for the sick and all those who are suffering.
The bishops of the 1974 Synod took up the problems of evangelization and provided some general principles for grasping the deeper meaning of the liberation that Jesus proclaimed, and made a reality. They clarified the distinction and complementarity between human progress and evangelization and showed how the former is subordinate to the latter. They showed the responsibility for evangelization to rest with the bishops, but that all in the Church share in this responsibility. The Synod fathers showed the close connection between evangelization and the proper training of those engaged in it. They also emphasized the importance of the example of a good life in the evangelizers.
The bishops showed their esteem for the non-Catholic religions, but emphasized the need to fortify the unity and purity of the doctrine of the Catholic Church. God can give special graces to those outside the Church, but the fullness of doctrine and helps to salvation are only found within the Church.
All parts of the Church share in the burden and duty of evangelization. The whole Church is missionary. The action of the Holy Spirit is the key in the work of evangelization. He is the “soul of the Church,” and pours his life into the hearts of the faithful.
The 1974 Synod put the liberation of men in its proper perspective, as part of the love that Christians must show their brothers. On the other hand, salvation is not to be limited to one kind of liberation. The real message of the Gospel must be preserved, namely that God redeems man from sin and death and leads him to participation in the divine life.
Mary, mother of the missions, pray for all missionaries. Amen.