Evangelii Nuntiandi, Chapter VI
The Agents of Evangelization
Nos. 66-69, Diverse Tasks to be Accomplished
No. 66 begins with a sentence that sets the stage for the numbers that follow: “The whole Church, then, is called upon to evangelize but within this overall work there are diverse tasks to be accomplished.” Pope St. Paul VI goes on to speak first of all of the apostles. They were the first ones
to make up the Church at its very beginnings. Christ took all precautions to instruct them properly so that they could fulfill the ministry of preaching the word. They preached and brought His message to others. Subsequently they instructed those who came after them to live like they did as apostles and to carry on with the preaching of the Gospel.
No. 67 highlights St. Peter’s role and that of his successors in the Church. Peter was given a special ministry of teaching the revealed truth. The New Testament shows this. Christ wants Peter to strengthen his brothers, once he himself is strengthened (Jn 21:15-17). Peter frequently speaks for the other apostles in the Acts of the Apostles (cf. Acts 2:14, 3:12, 4:8) .
The Church has said that his successor, the pope, is at the peak of the apostolate, and the other bishops share in it under him and with him (cf. Vatican II document Ad Gentes, no. 38). The pope exercises that supreme power especially by preaching and by sending others to preach the Good News. The bishops, as the successors of the apostles, receive the power to teach revealed truth through their ordination as bishops.
No. 68 speaks about the part that priests and deacons play in evangelization. What unites all their activities is their wish “to preach the Gospel of God” (cf 1 Thes 2:9). All the work of deacons and priests is part of evangelization. So all from the pope to bishops, priests, and deacons share in evangelization by virtue of their ordination and their love for the Church.
No. 69 is about the sharing of religious in evangelization. It begins with the sentence: “Religious find in their life of consecration to God a privileged aid to evangelization.” Religious life is a total dedication of the person to God and to neighbor. In that, religious are a witness to the holiness of the Church, which is always striving to love God above all things and humans as Jesus loved them. Being a witness to the availability of the Church to God and to mankind is a way of evangelization that all religious exercise. Active religious take up also direct evangelization. For them religious life gives the freedom to take on more difficult tasks of evangelization. Because they are freed from attachment to wealth, to pleasure and to themselves by the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, they are able to apply themselves to works of the apostolate with full dedication and determination. They must see to it, however, that their efforts are in line with the pastoral plan of their local bishop. who is the chief shepherd in his diocese.
Mary, you who brought Jesus to Elizabeth and John, give us courage and wisdom to announce him to those around us. Amen.