Curriculum Vitae of Francis Pfanner
1825 Born on 20th September in Langen-Hub, near Bregenz (Austria).
Parents: Francis Anton Pfanner and Anna Maria Fink.
1837 First Latin lessons in a neighbouring village.
1838 Attends Grammar School, firstly in Feldkirch, later in Innsbruck.
1845 Study of philosophy in Padua.
1846 Study of theology in Brixen.
1848 Long illness. Studies interrupted.
1850 Ordination to the priesthood in Brixen.
Appointed Parish Priest in Haselstauden-Dornbirn.
1859 Appointed Father Confessor to the sisters in Agram (Croatia).
At the same time, appointment as Extraordinary Prison Chaplain.
1862 Journey to Rome.
1863 Journey to the Holy Land.
1864 First vows at Mariawald Monastery.
1867 Leaves Mariawald to set up a monastery in Austria.
Prolonged stay in Rome: renovation of Tre Fontane Monastery.
1869 Establishment of Mariastern Monastery, near Banja Luka (Bosnia).
1872 Appointed Prior of the Monastery.
1879 Bishop Ricards is looking to recruit monks for South Africa at Sept Fons, in France.
Dom Francis accepts the invitation.
1880 Arrival in Dunbrody (South Africa).
1882 Establishment of Mariannhill Monastery (Durban/Natal). Publicity leaflets.
Recruitment joumey to Europe, returns with 34 new recruits.
1884 First public baptism of black persons.
1885 Foundation of the Mariannhill Sisters of the Precious Blood.
Appointed Abbot of Mariannhill Monastery.
Becomes first missionary Abbot in South Africa.
1886 Building of Reichenau, the first of many outstations to come.
1890 Vice Vicar-General for the Order in South Africa.
1892 Visitation of Abbot Franciscus Strunk form Oelenberg (Alsace).
Abbot Pfanner is suspended from office for one year.
1893 Rome accepts Pfanner’s resignation.
Amandus Schoelzig is appointed Abbot of Mariannhill.
1894 Emmaus outstation is built (Pfanner’s last mission).
1896 First missionary attempts in Rhodesia (Triashill).
1897 Mariannhill missionaries venture into German East Africa.
1898 First Zulu priests return from Rome.
1900 Abbot Schoelzig dies of cancer.
Successor - Gerhard Wolpert.
Pfanner celebrates his golden jubilee.
1902 Beginning of the Monte Cassino Mission in Southern Rhodesia.
1904 Retirement of Abbot Wolpert.
1905 Edmund Obrecht (Abbot of Gethsemane/USA)
arrives at Mariannhill as administrator.
1906 Pope Pius X approves the constitutions of the Missionary Sisters
of the Precious Blood (02.10.1906).
1908 New beginnings of the Triashill Mission in Southern Rhodesia.
1909 Mariannhill is separated from the Trappist Order by Pius X (2nd February).
The Missionaries of Mariannhill become independent.
Francis Pfanner dies at Emmaus (24th May).
His funeral takes place at Mariannhill and he is buried in the cemetery
there on 27th May.